The Ways of Improving Competitiveness in Companies of the Construction Industry


  • Khakim Buriev Acting Professor at the Samarkand State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, named after Mirzo Ulughbek


Construction, Quality strategy, Quality management system, Quality improvement, Methodology, Competitiveness, Competitive advantage.


This article is based on the results of observations and expert surveys at construction industry enterprises and is devoted to the
methodological problems of quality management in construction. The article examines the development of a quality management system for construction industry enterprises, a clear strategy for obtaining competitive advantages at enterprises in this area, plans for the corresponding increase in their competitiveness, and improving indicators reflecting quality leadership compared to competitors. The creation of methodological foundations for a quality competitiveness model, i.e. systems for monitoring competitiveness,
preventing defects and continuous development, is also fully covered.




How to Cite

Khakim Buriev. (2024). The Ways of Improving Competitiveness in Companies of the Construction Industry. Global Perspectives in Economics, Business, and Real Estate, 1(1), 1–10. Retrieved from